Journal of Contemporary Diseases and Advanced Medicine

Instructions To Authors

For Authors- a) Author Information - Incluir as normas de publicação, segue abaixo o texto que deve ser inserido

Journal of Contemporary Diseases and Advanced Medicine is intended for the publication of original articles, clinical case reports, literature reviews and brief communications.

The journal will publish articles in the areas of OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (all subspecialties):

• Facial Surgery;

• Otology;

• Laryngology, voice and swallowing;

• Nasosinusal Endoscopic Surgery;

• Sleep Medicine;

• Allergy in Otorhinolaryngology.

And also articles in the areas of ophthalmology, pneumology and oral maxillofacial surgery.

Journal of Contemporary Diseases and Advanced Medicine uses ScholarOne, an online system for submission and evaluation of manuscripts. To submit manuscripts, please contact us:

The statements and opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily correspond to that of editors or publisher, who not assume any responsibility for them. Neither the editors nor the publisher guarantee or endorse any product or service advertised or claim made by their respective manufacturers in this publication. Each reader must determine about how to proceed with the information contained in this publication. The Journal or the sponsors are not responsible for any damage arising from the publication of erroneous information.

Papers in which plagiarism is detected will not be accepted for publication in Journal of Contemporary Diseases and Advanced Medicine. The manuscripts must be original and not published or submitted for publication in another Journal.


Journal of Contemporary Diseases and Advanced Medicine uses double-blind peer-review system. This means that author and reviewer are not identified for each other.

SUBMISSION MANUSCRIPTS GUIDELINES The number of authors is limited to 6 authors, and only articles written in English will be accepted.

Organize your presentation as follows:


Must comprise the title, an abstract and 3 to 5 keywords. Information about the authors must be provided on a separate page, including authors’ full names, academic degrees, institutional affiliations and/or administrative positions. Furthermore, the corresponding author’s name, address, phone numbers and e-mail must be provided. This information is not made available to the reviewers.


Abstracts must be structured, and contain between 250 (minimum) and 300 (maximum) words. The structured abstracts must contain the following sections: Introduction;Objective;Methods, describing how the study was conducted;Results; Discussion, and Conclusions.

Abstracts must be accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords, or descriptors, which must comply with MeSH.


Texts must contain no more than 3,500 words, including figure captions, abstract and references.

Figures must be submitted in separate files. Insert the figure captions also in the text document to guide the article layout.

3.1 Clinical case reports

The case report consists of a detailed description of clinical cases, through which important details about the case, treatment objectives, explanation of the procedures used and the treatment results are presented.

Case report must be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Diagnosis (list of problems), Treatment objectives, Treatment alternatives, Treatment plan, Treatment progress, Treatment results, Discussion, Conclusion, References and Figure captions.

3.2 Original articles (with clinical application)

The text must be organized in the following sections: Introduction: outlining the objectives of the study; Material and Methods, describing how the study was conducted; Results, describing the primary results; Discussion, and Conclusions, reporting the authors’ conclusions, as well as the clinical implications; References and Figure captions.


Digital images must be in JPG or TIF formats, CMYK or grayscale, at least 7-cm wide and 300-dpi resolution.

Each image must be submitted in separate files.

In the case that a given illustration has been previously published, the caption must give full credit to the original source.

The author(s) must ascertain that all figures are cited in the text.

5. GRAPHS AND CEPHALOMETRIC TRACINGS Files containing the original versions of graphs must be submitted.

It is not recommended that such graphs be submitted only in bitmap image format (not editable).


Tables must be self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate the text.

Must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order they are mentioned in the text.

A brief title must be provided for each table.

In the event that a table has been published previously, a footnote must be included giving credit to the original source.

Tables must be submitted as text files (Word or Excel, for example), and not as non-editable image.


Articles must, where appropriate, refer the Ethics Committees approval.


All manuscripts must be accompanied by the following statements, to be filled at the time of submission of the article:

8.1 Assignment of copyright

Transferring all copyright of the manuscript for Dental Press International if it is published.

8.2 Conflict of interest

If there is any commercial interest of the authors in the research subject of the paper, it must be informed.

8.3 Human and animal rights protection

If applicable, inform the fulfillment of the recommendations of international protection entities and the Helsinki Declaration, respecting the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human / animal experimentation.

8.4 Informed consent

Patients have the right to privacy, which should not be violated without an informed consent.


All articles cited in the text must appear in the references list.

All listed references must be cited in the text.

For the convenience of readers, references must be cited in the text by their numbers only.

References must be identified in the text by superscript Arabic numerals and numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.

Authors are responsible for reference accuracy, which must include all information necessary for their identification. References must be listed at the end of the text and obeying the Vancouver Standards ( The following examples should be used:

Article with up to six authors

Sterrett JD, Oliver T, Robinson F, Fortson W, Knaak B, Russell CM. Width/length ratios of normal clinical crowns of the maxillary anterior dentition in man. J Clin Periodontol. 1999 Mar;26(3):153-7.

Article with more than six authors

De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P, Braem M, et al. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. J Dent Res. 2005 Feb;84(2):118-32.

Book chapter

Almeida MR. Princípios da biomecânica em Ortodontia: conceituação e aplicação clínica. In: Almeida MR. Mini-implantes extra-alveolares em Ortodontia. Maringá: Dental Press; 2018. cap. 1, p. 18-76.

Book chapter with editor

Breedlove GK, Schorfheide AM. Adolescent pregnancy. 2nd ed. Wieczorek RR, editor. White Plains (NY): March of Dimes Education Services; 2001.

Dissertation and thesis

Beltrami LER. Braquetes com sulcos retentivos na base, colados clinicamente e removidos em laboratórios por testes de tração, cisalhamento e torção [dissertação]. Bauru (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 1990.

Electronic format

Almeida MR, Pereira ALP, Almeida RR, Almeida-Pedrin RR, Silva Filho OG. Prevalence of malocclusion in children aged 7 to 12 years. Dental Press J Orthod. 2011 [Access in: 2018 May 20]; July-Aug16(4):123-31.


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