JCDAM v02n01 - Clinical Orthodontics

The Influence Of Social Networks On The Choice Of Face Surgery In Patients Undergoing Surgery At Hospital Paranaense de Otorhinolaryngology

Introduction: Social networks are an integral part of contemporary society, influencing the way interpersonal relationships and the doctor-patient relationship occur, showing a possible influence of these means on decision-making for surgical procedures. Objectives: To identify the influence of...

Authors: Aline Fachin Olivo, Nicolle Cristini Blanguer, Vinicius Tomadon Bortoli,

Keywords: Plastic surgery, Social media, Social networks, Face surgery,

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Effect Of Piezo In Post-operative Ecchymosis Duration In Closed Rhinoplasty

Introduction: Rhinoplasty is one of the most performed surgeries all over the world and advances in surgical techniques have been happening progressively, although postoperative skin and soft tissue complications, such as edema and ecchymosis, can induce anxiety for patients. Piezo, an instrument...

Authors: Ana Paula Chornobay, Lucas Demetrio Sparaga, Luciano Campelo Prestes,

Keywords: Rhinoplasty, Piezo, Post-operative, Ecchimosys,

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Measurements os Projection And Rotation Of The Nasal Tip In Primary Rhinoseptoplasty: a Literature Review

Introduction: Postoperative scarring can later modify the structure of the nose and there are few articles found in the literature that demonstrate anthropometric measurements in the evolution of the postoperative period of rhinoseptoplasty. Objective: To identify variations in projection and...

Authors: Ana Paula Perin Maia da Silva, Daniela Dranka de Moraes,

Keywords: Rotation , Measurements, Rhinoplasty, Projection, Facial angles,

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Comparative Analysis Of Prick Test Pre And Post Sublingual Immunotherapy For Allergic Rhinitis

Introduction: Allergic rhinitis is an immune-mediated reaction, the diagnosis of which can be complemented with the immediate hypersensitivity skin test using the prick test. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is indicated for specific cases and is the only disease-modifying treatment. So...

Authors: Pedro Aguiar Soares, Fernanda Laís Saito, Gustavo Malucelli Durski, Gabriela Alves Marroni, Flavio Massao Mizoguchi,

Keywords: Allergic rhinitis, Sublingual immunotherapy, Skin prick test,

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Use Of The Nucleus Smartnav® System In Intraoperative Telemetry Of Cochlear Implant

Tests performed intraoperatively are routine tools in cochlear implant (CI) programs worldwide. Recently, Cochlear™ launched the Nucleus Smartnav® system that describes new parameters measured during insertion of the electrode array into the cochlea, verifies its position, tests impedance and...

Authors: Rogério Hamerschmidth, Nicole Richter Minhoto Wiemes, Isadora Aragão Silva Trabuco,

Keywords: Cochlear implant, Intraoperative metrics, Automated systems, Angular depth, Average speed, Insertion time,

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Three-dimensional Scanning In Rhinoplasty And Individual Patient Experience

Introduction: Three-dimensional facial scanning has been the object of study for decades and increasingly being used in rhinoplasty, and has recently been applied to surgical simulation. The patient’s perspective in this context should be explored, so that surgeons can individualize their...

Authors: Letícia Akazaki Oyama, Gabriel Zorron Cavalcanti,

Keywords: Rhinoplasty, Three-dimensional facial scan, Individual experience, Perspective,

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Infections In Functional And Aesthetic Rhinoseptoplasty: Narrative Literature Review

Introduction: Rhinoseptoplasty is among the most performed surgical procedures in the world. Postoperative infection is the second major complication, and there is still no consensus on the use of antibiotics in prophylaxis. Methodology: Review articles from the last 10 years to describe and...

Authors: Evaldo Dacheux de Macedo Filho, João Pedro Ribeiro Baptista, Melissa Ern Benedet, Ana Paula Matzenbacher Ville, Leticia Staszczak, Marcos Mocellin,

Keywords: Infection, Rhinoplasty, Rhinoseptoplasty, Postoperative Period,

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Comparative Tomographic Analysis Of The Frontal Beak And Its Correlations

Introduction: The frontal sinus has a complex and varied anatomy, being considered challenging in the nasosinusal surgical approach. Tomographic anatomical landmarks, such as the frontal beak (FB), are essential for understanding and planning strategies for the treatment of this region....

Authors: Cassio Wassano Iwamoto, Nicole Tássia Amadeu, Patricia Cristina Scarabotto,

Keywords: angle, Computed tomography, Frontal sinus, Frontal beak, Chronic sinusitis,

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Body Dysmorphic Disorder In Rinoplastly Candidates: Comparative Analysis Of Scores With Pre-operatory Simulation

In patients who wish to modify the nasal appearance through rhinoplasty, the state of mental health is important, as patients with psychopathologies related to body image distortion have high rates of dissatisfaction with the surgical result. This research becomes relevant, as it aims to assess...

Authors: Suellen Fernanda Bagatim, Maria Theresa Costa Ramos De Oliveira Patrial,

Keywords: questionnaire, Simulation, Rhinoplasty, Dysmorphism,

Read More Comprar Artigo avulso

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